Healing through the senses

CREATIVITY & EXPRESSION WORKSHOP – has been postponed – date to be advised

Be guided in new ways to access the more subconscious parts of you

 through your senses

When words are not helping and you’re tired of talking, telling, explaining

If you feel like you’re rehashing the same story – over and over, or you can’t find the words to express what you’re feeling, then this is for you

You’re invited to be part of this collaboration between Margie and Nancie, who will hold space for you to create and express yourself in new and gentle ways, including breathwork, meditation and art therapy techniques

*Numbers are limited to 12 spaces*

Date: workshop postponed from 27 July to a date to be advised                   Time: 11.30am – 3.30pm    

Venue: Thirroul Community Centre – Escarpment Room 352/358 Lawrence Hargrave Dv

Investment: $115 – includes all creative art materials, purge journals, herbal tea, fruit platter plus take-home pack of resources.

Bookings: ph. 0421 603 881 or E: sublimehealingpathways@gmail.com

Payment: direct bank deposit – details provided on booking


Nancie Clisby – Reiki Practitioner/Teacher and holistic therapist, whose passion is to support people on their healing pathway as they move from stuck and struggling towards self-love, fulfilment and joy.

Margie Dickson – Reiki II, BA-Psychology, Dip Prof Counselling, lover of healing modalities and empowering others to find peace and self compassion.

master your mind, recognise your emotions, see your vision,
follow your true path

We offer a variety of workshops that are designed to develop your awareness of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of your being and how each of these can influence the way you live. Exploration around a theme will form the foundation of each workshop. Themes may include: self-love, intuition, true self, true purpose, relationships, boundaries – to be explored through meditation, art, music, dance, journaling, individual/paired /group activities. Our courses provide the opportunity for connection, inclusion, some serious fun and the sharing of wisdom. 

The Art of Intuition

images from a previous workshop held in the tranquil, inspirational space of Austinmer yurt